League of Legends Lethality runes Caitlyn is a unique build that does one thing. Champion of enemies who only shoot once. The goal here is to shoot at your opponent with abilities instead of auto-attacking.
Lethality Caitlyn is a really interesting build in LoL Season 12. We will show you how you can play optimally!
Here, we’ll inform you of some topics, such as all of the runes, gear, and suggestions that you’ll need to prepare in order to play the Lethality Caitlyn. If you’ve never played this build yet, don’t worry, you’ll learn a lot here.
So, let’s start the discussion on how you can play Caitlyn in the deadly LoL.
Explanation About Lethality Caitlyn – Runes

- Transcendence
- Eyeball Collection
- Cheap Shot
- Sorcery
- Ultimate Hunter
- Dark Harvest
The first category is Dark Harvest. This is the key to being able to play Caitlyn’s lethality. A key where scaling is aimed at the already acquired stack. When you attack enemy champions below half HP, you will get their souls. Then, the more piles of souls you get, the more damaging your attack will be against targets with less than half HP.
To put it another way, Dark Harvest allows you to deal so much damage with only R ability. Because Cait’s Ace in the Hole is an ability that you should click and point, you nearly always can kill someone if their HP is less than half.
The second category is Cheap Shot. It synergizes with W Caitlyn and increases damage. This happens when you enemy champions get trapped. Then Cheap Shot can give you real damage bonuses to your targets based on your level.
However, what’s great is that the runes here only have a cooldown of 4 seconds and are almost active.
The third category is Eyeball Collection. This includes an imaginary rune that can assist you out early on. It gives you extra AD whenever you kill or assist a champion.
Eyeball Collection gives you 18 AD when fully stacked. The fourth category is Ultimate Hunter, whic is a really important rune when playing Caitlyn’s lethality.
Ultimate Cait is your biggest damage source due to the loss of focus on auto attacks and kiting. Ultimate Hunter’s super utility can turn Ace in the Hole into an ability that can last for about 25 seconds.
This means that you can keep using League of Legends Lethality runes Ultimate Caitlyn any time you want!
The fifth category is Transcendence. It is a useful rune that works well with Caitlyn Lethality’s overall playstyle. To begin with, it grants 10 rush abilities at level 8. Furthermore, it resets 20% of remaining skill cooldown after assist/kill, after level 11.
What this means is that in team fights, your basic skills will reset quicker, and you’ll be able to use them a lot more.
The sixth category is Scorch. Scorch is an excellent early-game rune. When you attack your victim with any abilities, it burns them for extra magical damage. It’s perfect for poking Caitlyn’s Q in the planning phase, and it has a 10-second cooldown.
Runes (Optional)
After looking at the runes page above, they are the ones that are suggested in 99% of the games. If you’re having trouble getting Caitlyn’s Lethality to work, investigate some of the alternatives listed below.
- Bone Plating – This means this is great against enemies (killers) early in the game.
- Biscuit Delivery – provides you with increased mana and health regeneration during the laning phase.
- Time Warp Tonic – It works in tandem alongside Biscuit Delivery to help you survive in the lane.
- Presence of Mind – Mana is restored upon killing a champion.
Lethality Caitlyn Build Explanation – Items
- Manamune / Muramana
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Axiom Arc
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Serylda’s Grudge
- The Collector
Duskblade Of Draktharr – In 99% of games, a mythic item that you desire is Duskblade Of Draktharr. It increases attack damage by 60, lethality by 18, and ability haste by 20. Additionally, each legendary item you obtain raises your haste by 5.
Besides these benefits, this Item has a cool passive. The first thing is to deal bonus damage on first hit and slow the enemy down. Then, it makes you seem invisible when scoring an assist/kill. It will be very difficult for the enemy to attack you. But it’s also useful for Caitlyn and other fragile characters.
Manamune/Muramana – This is a clear move from the Tear of the Goddess. Always remember to get Tear early, especially after your first Recall. When you get your mana, Manamune will increase your AD. And you’ll be using Caitlyn’s abilities often, this item is ideal!
Axiom Arc – Caitlyn’s lethality build revolves around the Axiom Arc. Sure you can play this build without it and do well. However, the passive of Axiom Arc allows you to use your ultimate again and effectively utilize it 3 more times in one team fight. Furthermore, the item offers all of the necessary stats – lethality, ability haste, and AD.
After the changes above, your main damage dealer is R. You will use your sniping ability more often when using Axiom Arc. Then, you must always have it ready.
The Collector – When playing Caitlyn’s lethality, THE COLLECTOR should be your major item number four most of the time. It increases damage, critical strike, lethality, and adds an execute mechanic. You can also secure more kills to set up your ultimate, which is exactly what you desire.
Serylda’s Grudge – This is the finest offensive item for the late game for Caitlyn’s lethality. It significantly increases your damage by providing 30% armor penetration and more damage and lethality. It also slows foes for one second after you hit them with the ability, so it can benefit your teammates as well.
Ionian Boots Of Lucidity – These are the boot upgrades that you want. During the early game, you can gain 20 haste abilities for only 950 gold. This substantially reduces your abilities’ cooldown, allowing you to fire them more frequently.
Items (Optional)
There are several items that can greatly assist League of Legends Lethality runes build. Remember that you may always buy these items once you’ve completed your basic builds of Manamune, Axiom Arc, and Duskblade of Draktharr.
- Edge of Night – installs a magical shield that prevents the initial magic spell from being cast.
- Serpent’s Fang – assists you in dealing with shield champions.
- Guardian Angel – When you are killed, it resurrects you and grant you armor.
- Lord Dominik’s Regard – boosts your armor penetration capability.
Here’s How to Play Lethality Caitlyn in League of Legends
We have some suggestions so you can play this lethality build if you’ve never played Caitlyn before.
The first requirement is that you are playing two roles to play in Caitlyn’s lethality, such as both and mind. The playstyle would work well in either, although the middle would probably be better for Caitlyn’s Lethality due to level advantage.
Furthermore, Caitlyn’s lethality is not using Heal but Exhaust or Ignite. This is because your abilities have dealt a ton of damage, and you’ll be stabbing your opponent a lot. When you play LoL aggressively, Ignite and Exhaust are Summoner’s Spells that serve as protection rather than killing.
You should play more aggressively with Caitlyn’s lethality during the landing phase. But you need to exploit its range and combo of explosions. Its function is to kill the enemies and throw them off the track. Watch out for cloud all-in characters like Leona/killers like Zed.
Always begin your game with a Long Sword and a Refillable Potion. On your first return to base, then you can buy Tear of the Goddess and begin stacking mana. Following that, the build path is solely Long Swords and increased lethality.
Because Caitlyn’s lethality is all around dealing damage with abilities, notably in R, you should frequently gank the other lanes. Get in range and use Cait’s ult on any target with less than 50% HP. However, if you don’t acquire a kill, you will undoubtedly assist your teammates in doing so.
League of Legends Lethality runes Caitlyn allows you to one-shot enemies in mid and late-game team confrontations. Aim your Qs carefully and try to build up traps appropriately before moving on to the next objective. This will increases your chances of winning the team fight.
Not only that, all gunfights come with the Lethality Caitlyn build!
Final Thought
I agree that playing Caitlyn off is very different from playing it with the standard ADC build. The champions and the mechanics are identical, but you need to know that your gameplay should be approached differently. Next, think of yourself as a mage rather than a sniper.
Overall, playing Lethality Caitlyn in League of Legends season 12 is a lot of fun, and I recommend you give it a try! It’s as much fun as playing deadly Varus, so you won’t regret it here